Work Load Calculator

The calculator is designed to calculate the number of workers required for each department based on the production requirements, availability of workdays, worker absenteeism, worker efficiency and unproductive hours.

The user inputs the quantity of each of the five components to be produced, and the times required for carpentry, painting, mechanical work, assembly, electrical work, testing and shipping of each component. The user also inputs the number of available workers, absenteeism rate, efficiency rate and unproductive hours for each department, as well as the number of workdays available.

The script then calculates the required number of workers for each department based on the input values. It also calculates the difference between the required number of workers and the number of available workers, showing whether each department has a surplus or a deficit of workers.

Finally, the output is presented in a table showing the required number of workers, the number of available workers and the surplus or deficit of workers for each department.

Workers Calculator Operator Calculator

Operator Calculator

Input data

Component Quantity Carpentry time (hours) Paint time (hours) Mechanical time (hours) Assembly time (hours) Electrical time (hours) Test time (hours) Shipping time (hours)
Component 1
Component 2
Component 3
Component 4
Component 5

Department Workers Absenteeism rate (%) Efficiency rate (%) Unproductive hours (%)