What Happens When Your Career Becomes Your Whole Identity

Do you know what a brand is? A brand is your personality as well as the image you project to the world. It’s your resumé, your LinkedIn profile, and everything else that makes up who you are. Your career should be no different. When you work hard to craft the right identity for yourself, it can have far-reaching effects on your life and career. What happens when your career becomes your whole identity? You become passionate about it, of course! Working in a field that you love means that every day has purpose and can be fulfilling instead of drudgery. Here are some of the ways working in a field that you love can positively impact your life and career, both short term and long term:

You’re More Engaged and Dedicated

When you’re passionate about a career, you’re less likely to dread doing it each day. You’re also more likely to be engaged and dedicated. When you have a passion for your work, you’re more likely to put effort into it and show up to work every day. It’s not enough to love what you do; you have to love the process of doing it. You’re also less likely to be tempted by distractions like social media, television, or other activities that can take up your time. You’re also less likely to need a break from work than if you were only interested in a paycheck. When you’re passionate about what you do, then, you’re also more likely to be engaged and dedicated.

You’re More Likely to Be Recruited

When you’re passionate about a career, you’re also more likely to be recruited. Some of the top recruiters in the country say they usually hire people who already work in their industry. When recruiters see that you love what you do, and are therefore more likely to be engaged and dedicated, they’re more likely to approach you with job opportunities. It’s not enough to love what you do; you have to love the people you work with and the process of doing it. You’re also more likely to have your talents noticed by those who can put you to good use. When you’re passionate about what you do, then, you’re also more likely to be recruited.

You Have Higher Job Satisfaction and Long-Term Career Success

When you’re passionate about a career, you’re also more likely to have job satisfaction and long-term career success. Most employees are only in a job for a short time. If you’re only interested in a paycheck, then you’ll feel like you’re only serving a specific purpose in someone else’s life, and when that’s over you’ll feel empty again. If, however, you love what you do, then you’re much less likely to feel like you’re “just” a paycheck or “just” a service provider. You’re also more likely to make career decisions based on your long-term goals, so you’re more likely to be satisfied with your decisions. When you’re passionate about a career, then, you’re also more likely to have job satisfaction and long-term career success.

You’re More Empathetic and Help Others

When you’re passionate about a career, you’re also more likely to be empathetic and help others. You can make a larger impact by helping others in need. When you’re passionate about a career, you’re much more likely to help others less fortunate than yourself. You can do this in a number of different ways, from giving back to your community to volunteering at a charity. When you’re passionate about what you do, you’re more likely to be empathetic and help others.

You Have More Confidence in Yourself and Your Abilities

When you’re passionate about a career, you’re also more likely to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. Passion is a great fuel for confidence. When you’re confident in your abilities and your skills, then you’re better equipped to take on challenges and show others what you can do. It’s not enough to love what you do; you have to love yourself enough to be confident in what you can do. When you’re passionate about what you do, then, you’re also more likely to have confidence in yourself and your abilities.


There’s a reason why so many people now talk about finding your passion. Even if you don’t become a professional in your passion, you’ll be much happier and more fulfilled in your life. If you don’t know where to start, then try applying the advice in this article to figure out what you enjoy doing and what you’d like to do for a living. If you don’t like what you discover, then you can always try something else. What matters is that you’re doing something you enjoy, something you’re passionate about, and something that brings you joy. Work hard to craft your career identity and you’ll find it much easier to love your work and have passion for your career.

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