Achieve Speech Success: 5 Critical Mistakes to Avoid During Closing Remarks!

Do you have an upcoming speech and are looking for tips on how to make your closing remarks engaging and memorable? Look no further! In this blog post, I’ll share 5 critical mistakes to avoid during closing remarks for a speech.

Whether you’re delivering a presentation to your class, giving a speech at a business event, or hosting a webinar, closing remarks are an integral part of your success. It’s the moment when your audience is most receptive and attentive and it’s your chance to leave a lasting impression.

Let’s dive into the 5 critical mistakes to avoid during closing remarks for a speech.

Introduction to Speech Success

Most people recognize that the key to a successful speech is having a powerful opening. However, what many don’t realize is that the closing of your speech is just as important. It’s your last chance to make an impact on your audience and to ensure that you leave a lasting impression.

The best way to make sure your closing remarks are effective and engaging is by avoiding the following 5 critical mistakes.

What are Closing Remarks?

Closing remarks are the last words of a speech. It’s your opportunity to wrap up your speech and to leave your audience with a sense of completion. It’s also your chance to thank your audience for their time and attention, as well as to provide any final thoughts or insights.

It’s important to note that while the closing remarks are the last words, they still need to be engaging and memorable.

5 Critical Mistakes to Avoid

Now that we know what closing remarks are, let’s dive into the 5 critical mistakes to avoid during closing remarks for a speech.

SUB-SECTION 3.1 Boring the Audience

One of the biggest mistakes you can make during closing remarks is to bore the audience. After spending a great deal of time and effort crafting your speech, the last thing you want to do is to lose your audience’s attention.

To avoid this, make sure to end your speech on a high note. This doesn’t mean that you need to use a dramatic ending, but you should make sure that your last words are interesting and engaging.

In addition, if you have any quotes or jokes that are appropriate, now is the time to use them. This will help keep your audience’s attention and ensure that your closing remarks are memorable.

SUB-SECTION 3.2 Not Summarizing the Main Points

Another critical mistake to avoid during closing remarks is to not summarize the main points of your speech. This is important in order to ensure that your audience remembers the key points of your presentation.

Take a few moments to review the main points of your speech and provide a concise summary. This will help to solidify the main takeaways for your audience.

SUB-SECTION 3.3 Not Having a Call-to-Action

A call-to-action (CTA) is an important element of a successful speech. It’s your opportunity to motivate your audience and to encourage them to take action.

If you’re giving a business presentation, your CTA could be something like asking the audience to sign up for your product or service. If you’re giving a speech at a wedding, your CTA could be to ask the audience to join in a toast.

Whatever the case, make sure to include a CTA in your closing remarks. This will help ensure that your audience takes something away from your speech.

SUB-SECTION 3.4 Not Rehearsing Enough

Another critical mistake to avoid during closing remarks is to not rehearse enough. It’s important to practice your speech in advance so that you can identify any areas that need improvement.

In addition, rehearsing will help you become more comfortable with your speech and more confident in your delivery. This will make your closing remarks more engaging and memorable.

SUB-SECTION 3.5 Not Connecting With the Audience

The final mistake to avoid during closing remarks is to not connect with the audience. This is your chance to show your appreciation for their time and attention.

Take a few moments to thank the audience for being a part of your presentation. You could also ask for feedback or questions, or even ask the audience to share their thoughts or experiences.

These small efforts to connect with the audience can make a big impact on the success of your presentation.

How to Make Your Closing Remarks Engaging

Now that we’ve gone over the 5 critical mistakes to avoid during closing remarks, let’s look at how to make your closing remarks engaging.

The most important thing to remember is to keep your audience engaged throughout your speech. This can be done by using humor, asking questions, and utilizing effective storytelling techniques.

In addition, make sure to keep your closing remarks short and to the point. This will ensure that your audience doesn’t get bored or lose interest.

Tips to Make Your Closing Remarks Memorable

Finally, here are a few tips to make your closing remarks memorable.

First, make sure to use a strong closing statement. This can be a powerful quote, an inspiring story, or an uplifting message.

Second, make sure to end with a call-to-action. This will ensure that your audience takes away something from your presentation.

Third, make sure to ask for feedback or questions. This will show your audience that you value their opinion and are open to feedback.

Fourth, make sure to thank your audience. This is a simple but effective way to show your appreciation and to leave a lasting impression.


I hope this blog post has provided you with some useful tips to make your closing remarks engaging and memorable.

Remember, the key to a successful speech is to avoid the 5 critical mistakes I’ve outlined above and to use the tips to make your closing remarks engaging and memorable.

By following these tips, you’ll be sure to achieve speech success and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Good luck!

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